Letters Between Lovers
(The Things We Leave Unsaid)
By Ashley ShawDanny,It is sunny here,But not as warm as expected.Dusty yellow rays bounce offThe shiny red paintOn my car,But I still shiver.I never realized howCold it could beIn Florida-LeslieLeslie,I, too, am cold.But for a different reason.I miss you.I wish you would come home.I can still hear your tentative footstepsWalking through our bedroom.It still smells like gardenia,Even though all of the flowersHave died.It is brisk here.Love,-DannyDanny,Yes, I am aware of your brisk temperatures.Like the cold tone of your letter.I made it to the beach todayAnd let my toes drift lazilyAgainst the water's edge.I wore my black bikini.The one we picked out togetherIn one of those little stores on theJersey boardwalk.I caught men staring at myRounded bottom.I don't know why I'm telling you this.I chased the seagullsInto the foaming surf.It's so beautiful here.But I still long for home.I hope you are keeping occupied.-LeslieLeslie,I am keeping busy.To distract myself fromThoughts of your hairAnd toes and skin and shouldersAnd scent.I feel your ghost in eachBreath I take, andI keep thinking I see youOut of the corner of my eye,Your lips stretched into a smile.It was so rare to see you smileDuring the past few months.I wish you were here.Yes, I'm very busy.-DannyDanny,I'm having my lawyer send up the papers.Please sign them at your earliest convenience.Why couldn't you just talk to me?We could have resolved this.I'm sorry it worked out this way.Why didn't you justLove me?-LeslieLeslie,The papers are signed.I'm sorry.I wish I could have fixed this,But I knowI could never be what you need.I wish I could tell youHow much I love you,How much I long for you,How late I stay awake each nightJust thinking of your eyes,But some things areBetter leftUnsaid.-Danny
- - -I am a twenty-one year old student at Arcadia University. I have many strange phobias (including peanut-butter), but writing is not one of them. So this is one of my first attempts to get my work published. Thank you for any and all consideration.