Hey! Wake up, pick out your clothes,
And pass your day the way They want.
Pass your day, the way They say,
It’s time to put on your pretty mask.
No! Don't look at that guy, sketching in the park.
Don't you know, They consider him 'weird'?
There’s just the one way to 'happiness',
Don’t ever give up your pretty mask.
Laugh, even when it’s not funny,
Smile, even if it is too damn hard.
Blend in or They will see and attack,
Don’t ever give up your pretty mask.
It matters not what you really want,
and what you feel is not a concern.
It's what They think that really matters,
and what you feel is not a concern.
It's what They think that really matters,
Don’t ever give up your pretty mask.
And comes the night after the long day,
Now you may cry and wash your face.
There is no one around to see you now,
For now, you can pull off the mask.
But look, here goes the dark night,
and the sun declares it a new day.
Soon you have to go step out in the light,
Time to put on the heavy, pretty mask, again.