Friday, November 18, 2011

Guest Post: Did I say 10 different countries? (Part 1)

-by Neeraj Sachdeva

“Did I say 10 different countries?” I asked
“Yes, now do you want to answer my question or not?”
“What was your question?” No wonder he was getting angry.
“What. Have. You. Learnt. On. Your. Travels.?”
“Oh yea...that! Well let's see. First, I went to Sweden. People always say that Sweden is full of nearly-homosexual guys and dumb blondes. Well, there are some assumptions and a whole lot of Mexican rumors in that”

“So you have been to Mexico?”

“It is my story, so sit down and shut your trap. And no; I have never been to Mexico.”


"Ready? Here we go."

1. Sweden:

Now, not all Swedish girls are blonde (I prefer blondes), so what people assume is partly true. As for the guys, well, I just don’t know...They dress well, maybe too well. Sweden is a cold country, and Swedes have always been at the fore-front of fashion in Scandinavia. Anything from America first lands on Swedish shores, and they gobble up latest issues of Vogue with great aplomb. When I travelled to Sweden, I had a certain female companion; so obviously I had no time or enthusiasm to mingle with Swedish women. Or so I thought.

Landing on the shores of Sweden, along with pristine Vogue magazines made me realize that Sweden was a beautiful country, even when covered in 3 feet of snow. But I was scared. You put a 5ft-something guy in a country where he could accidently step in snow that is half his size; you bet he’d be scared. What distracted me were the malls and women. There were plenty of both going around. Swedish shoppers are famous for their expensive purchases, though recession must have dented their wallets. Still living on student expenses, I and the aforementioned female companion managed to convince a pub-owner to give us a bottle of white wine. You have no idea how magical snow, wine and a warm fireplace can be!

So, if 3 feet of snow doesn’t scare you, and you like beautiful women, go to Sweden. It still is lovely, I have been told.

2. Netherlands:

“Feeling cold? Want some weed?”
This is what a homeless guy asked me on my first night in Amsterdam. Fortunately, that was the only time I was offered weed by a stranger. Unfortunately, 14 other times, I was offered Cocaine. One guy even came up to me, tugged my shirt and offered me Cocaina, Spanish for Cocaine. I curtly declined.
Well, this is the interesting thing about Amsterdam, and partly the reason why most tourists go there – for the weed, the legal fix that can get you as high as a kite. 
Now, I didn’t go to Amsterdam for weed, neither for prostitution, which is also legal there. Have you ever been to a bookstore? That is how prostitutes line up in ‘dam, only, they don’t stand close to each other – it is a competition after all. I went to Amsterdam because my trip to Tenerife got cancelled. So I got invited by my cousin who lives in Hague, and I thought I’d meet some rastafaris while I was in Netherlands, so I visited Amsterdam too. It was an enlightening trip. Not enlightening because I smoked a lot, but because I truly discovered myself, saw myself in a new light. Oh, I didn’t go for the cocaine, just didn’t have the nose for it!

3. England:

Plain-old, bland-food, fish and chips, Eurovision suckers England.
I spent 7 years there, most of the time spent holed up in my room trying to dominate English premier league as a Football Manager. Sad days, but there were some upsides. People in England are very cool, mostly. I mean they won’t stop on the street to talk with you, but if you stop them, they will definitely smile. Beware of the pretty girls with clipboards – they collect your card details and not your phone numbers. I have been fooled once or twice. Maybe thrice.
People in England often seem busy, rushing off to some distant place. Considering England is just a small island, I often wonder how far they will get. The architecture in some of the old towns of England is breathtaking. The countryside in south of England is beautiful, plus there are lot of drag races in that part of the country. London is class apart, one of the many European cities that draw in the tourists. Don’t go for the royalty though, they are not THAT cool.

4. Scotland:

Edinburgh is a nice place, full of Victorian architecture, beautiful parks and strong Scottish accent. I had the opportunity to enjoy the local scenery of Edinburgh. However, the trip – under 3 days – was way too short to appreciate all Edinburgh had to offer. Some parts of a recent ‘crap-fest’ called Mausam, produced in Bollywood was shot in Edinburgh. Nostalgia kicks in and I can remember the beauty of the grand city. Locals enjoy eating a dish called Haggis – a savory pudding cooked in casing of sheep’s intestines. Yuck! No thank you!
There is a lot more to Scotland than we had time to discover. If you can get past the accent and the smell of Haggis, you will love the city. I know I did.

5. France:

No such list is ever complete without mention of France, particularly Paris. The closest capital to where I lived in England, and I could only manage one night in Paris (by which I am not alluding to Paris Hilton).
Visit Ile Saint Louis in Paris (the Island of Saint Louis). Some consider it to the most romantic point of Paris. You can relax with a loved one on the island in the middle of river Siene, enjoying picturesque beauty of Paris along with tourist boats that slowly pass you by. Paris was serene, a perfect blend of art, culture and romance.
Paris is known for its delicacies, the snakes, and frogs; so don’t eat food that you can get anywhere else in the world. If you like culture, romance, art and just good weather, enjoy Paris. One warning though, the traffic there is terrible, avoid it at all costs. Also, learn French. People there don’t like English-speakers, which just happens to be most of the world!

Neeraj Sachdeva is a psychology-motivated blogger who writes about Freelancing and Self-Improvement, often together. Check out his latest post (and Free Quiz) on Motivational Goal Seeking. You can find his take on The Art of Persuasion as well as his logic-driven post on The Essence of Friendship over at The Next Goal, part of WBB Survivor Contest.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Guest Post: Make Love, Not Chants

Make love, not chants
by Neeraj Sachdeva

Here comes the season for romancing,
Warm tea, hot cakes and morning chanting
One makes you sleep snugly at night
The other wakes you up before morning light.

The rousing rapture raves the beads of ecstasy
On the glowing skin, soft and bouncy
There’s more to be said about nightly jubilations
Than morning trepidation and evening tribulations.

So she chants his name, in a verse of five,
For when she says his name, she feels alive
What’s livelier than a morning chant
A sugary cake or nightly romance?

See, when you reach a certain age,
Each tribulation is another stage
Of energy draining and mojo waning
So chanting is new daily training.

But as we roll out the quilts this season,
Forget the quilt and grab another reason
To snug and stay warm this cold,
For summer’s far, don’t wait till you’re old.

Neeraj Sachdeva is a psychology-motivated blogger who writes about Freelancing and Self-Improvement, often together. Check out his latest post (and Free Quiz) on Motivational Goal Seeking. You can find his take on The Art of Persuasion as well as his logic-driven post on The Essence of Friendship over at The Next Goal, part of WBB Survivor Contest. He writes poetry to amuse his audience (and woo his women!) ;)