Friday, December 17, 2010

Requiem for a dream

Requiem [ˈrɛkwɪˌɛm]n
1. Mass celebrated for the dead
2. Musical setting of this Mass
3. A piece of music composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person or persons


When your one move changes your life,
cut walking on the edge of a knife,
Who can you blame but your own foolishness?
Only the sole creator of your own mess.

Replaying the move a hundred thousand ways,
wishing day-dreaming would change the past days.
They can never see, they cannot understand,
cannot fathom the gravity of their demand.

Hopes and hearts, just put on fire,
forced to walk on ash of desires.
No matter how i hide, how far i run..
I find no peace, and nothing's called fun.

Wherever I go, I only hope to see,
impossible moments, whats wrong with me?
No matter what they say, what they pretend,
no matter what I do now, this must be the end.