Monday, March 15, 2010

How does love happen? By choice.

Note (added on 18th March, 2010): To understand this, understand the meaning of "Subconscious". This post is not about love being controllable. This post is about our hearts being selective who they fall in love with.

Some of my friends are too eager for me to post something about my love life. Well sorry guys, that's too personal. But instead, you get The Abhijit Theory on "How does love happen?". Well, after brooding a lot on the topic, I've begun to think that Love actually happens by choice, and not by chance. However, I may add that the choice is made at a subconscious level. Let me elaborate.

Most people would say that love is blind and it really doesn't depend on anything. But friends, these are just ideals created by movies and books. In real life, we generally like good looking people. They're considered more honest and truthful in the society. You have to agree on this.

People are attracted to beauty, personality (Nature. This is in bold because people are overlooking it), money, power (influence), exclusivity, and so on. This is nothing good or bad. It's just the way we are. And your mind, is continuously weighing down these factors, at least subconsciously. It's not like you carefully notice everything. Humans communicate 93% through body language and 7% through words I've heard. So it's basically attraction that leads to love. I don't believe in LOVE at first sight. There's attraction at first sight, almost totally based on the looks. And that attraction may convert to love. The PUREST form of love is when you feel that a person in your life cannot be replaced by anyone. Your parents, your best friends, your girl friend, your dog, etc.

People also say "Love is unconditional". That it doesn't matter whether the one you love loves you back or not. Well here's the thing. Imagine the world with the person you love, loving you. Still doesn't matter whether the person you love, loves you or not? Well I'd say either you're not human or you're not in love. (Please read comments for further elaboration) Everything about love can be explained on a psychological basis. That is why there are techniques to attract people to you. That is why, the book "RULES" which aims at getting a man to marry you is such a hit. That is why, girls play hard to get, people show attitude, people do what is considered cool and hip, etc. That is why people strive hard to look good, talk good, behave good, and so on. If you really believe love is blind, why do you do all that?

My friend Anoop asked the difference between Heart and Mind on Facebook. I am now in a position to answer him. The difference between Heart and Mind is that Heart is the subconscious mind. (No, we are not talking about heart that pumps blood in our body). I would write more on thing called love, but later.


  1. woot woot! sahi hai boss! my views exactly!

  2. Yo! doggeh!
    the blog is really enlightening. Really.
    I swear i learn a lot of things from this awesome blog of yours. Man... keep up the good work ;)

  3. Not many people (almost none) have the control over the choices made by the subconscious mind. And i think such decisions do qualify the phrase "love happens".

    I do agree on your point that people are attracted towards beauty and power and money and what not. A easy and happy life is desirable by all. Its the most basic of our instincts. A beautiful woman or a strong man show good genes. Its the mark of healthy off springs. Kind of the concept taken in the move "300". But if you see the world you dont always find good looking people with each other. You do find not so good looking people with good looking people. Then, at that time you stand still and ask yourself if there is some difference between love and mere attraction. Love as a concept (as I see it) is not physical in nature. love is an emotion that exists in all beings towards both living and non-living things. You love your mother, siblings, father, pet, car, bike, pen, school, etc. So, seeing love only in the light of the relationship between a man and a woman is incomplete. In fact, I can say from personal experience that a rich girl DID fall in love with a driver. And they are happy now.

    Unconditional love is the only form I think that exists. Rest are not true love. If there is selfishness then it doesnt last long. There might be a lot of books to attract people and make them fall in "love" with you. But, there aren't many that will help you keep that love till the end. Love is not an event, its a journey I think. With each step it gets stronger and if it doesnt then you are allowed to question if it is true love or not. Besides, you are always YOU when you are around the ones you love (friends, family, etc). You let your guard down and dont try to pretend too much.

    I think this post might throw some more light

    And I will be looking forward to your next post of mind Vs heart :D

  4. Third attempt at posting a comment. So i will be writing in parts!!
    purely my views-
    i believe that love happens. Yes i agree. But the unconscious mind slowly weighs down the conditions and love fades or strengthens.

  5. When we talk about unconditional love, we actually mean love at first sight, which i would like to clarify is just attraction as already stated. In words of a famous greek philosopher the cure for love at first sight is to take a close second look. The books that teach us to make someone fall in love actually teach us to make a solid first impression, which will gradually be strengthed or weakened depending upon the subconscious mind and also upon the conscious mind. But what it achieves is that it makes the subconscious take notice.

  6. So while i haven come across a case of a rich girl falling head on toes for a taxi driver and that relation lasting long, i do believe exceptions exist when the girl is not as attractive as the guy. And thats carefully weighed out by the subconscious mind!!

  7. wow!what a great analytical survey on the simplest and strongest emotion on earth - LOVE.Subconscious-conscious-------unconditional-conditional----why so serious?? Aren't any mistakes allowed?What about its mystical quality?Everything can not be defined and made mundane!!!Just value it if u have it----both to give and receive.

  8. @ Shyamali Maam

    Well Maam I do want to write more on love.. but then it'd get too personal and easy to make out my feelings not just for you but for everyone. And I have always felt it better to keep all emotions inside except happiness. And thanks for your encouraging comment.

  9. @Cognoscis
    I am writing down again because I made some language mistakes.

    (JHOOTE MAKKAR... Either you're in love or you have a gf or both)

    Ok Anoop. I guess you forgot to read where i mentioned PERSONALITY (NATURE) too. Gimme a break. You don't always see good looking people with each other bcoz of other aspects like PERSONALITY, nature, influence, and so on.

    As for the taxi Driver, I guess the personality of the driver must be appealing to the girl. AND, I was only criticizing what they show in movies. Still I guess you proved me wrong and i better delete that line.

    Unconditional Love- I think I would only call "WANTING your love to love you" selfish, when you resort to unscrupulous means to make him/her love you. Otherwise, i don't think there is anything wrong with just wanting the person you love to be with you.

    In the end, THANK YOU for your very thoughtful comment. I know I have at least one avid reader out there. :D

    P.S.- you aren't getting away so easily.. I will get your love life out of ya.
