Monday, March 7, 2011


We all have a hundred dreams... Some of us want to be as rich as never having to check a price tag. Some of us want our names down in history books. Some of us want to be a celebrity everybody respects. And some of us just seem to want to win a heart...

When we dream, naturally we are the heroes of a movie script well written. Fragments of ideas and images lead us to lose so much time daydreaming. And before we know it, the moon is shining outside and we realise that we wasted so much time thinking up stuff like kids, stuff that probably would never happen.

As time passes, you cut short on your dreams. You realise all the things u wanted to do are not as easy as they once seemed.. The world is so cruel that you are maybe just 18 yet and still it lets you know that dreams are mostly for dreaming. We end some dreams, some of them are completely shattered, and just a little bit of them is accomplished. And when a dream finally becomes reality, you often never look at it like a dream.

Most dreams end when you realise that the world doesn't run the way you want it, it runs the way it wants. There ARE some exceptional people who manage to spin with the world, and get it all... That person is the real winner in your eyes. The one who achieves his dreams... Maybe that was Mark Zuckerberg, maybe that could be you, and that one guy was almost me.

Dreams may divert you from your reality, but still, you may say that it is important to dream, to aim. It is important to dream because if you dream, you might just get it all. Even if it's to lose it all again some day. But no matter what, a little dreaming gets you closer to being the person you always wanted to be. And if nothing else, you'll emerge as a better person.

In the end I'd like to say what many great men have said. Dreams are not those you see when you are asleep, Dreams are those which don't let you sleep.

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